Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

A couple weekends ago my sister and I went to the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, UT. We first heard about the sanctuary from the TV show "Dogtown" that was on the National Geographic Channel. The trip was a celebration of my 27th birthday.

I remember trying to think of something to do to celebrate, but nothing was sounding good because I was feeling a bit down on being 27. My body feels old and I know logically that I am not old, but having danced all my life I can see a glaring contrast between what my body could do when I was 2o compared to what it can do now. At 27 I am practically unemployed yet I have a Master's degree. I live at home with my mom because I can't afford to live on my own and my loan/credit card debt are large. In short, I was a little bummed about turning 27.

Anyway, the idea of volunteering at Best Friends just popped into my head one day and I brought it up to my sister. We both almost exploded with excitement and decided to go ahead and make a roadtrip out of it. The two of us have not really gone anywhere together...just the two of us. We get along wonderfully and she is my best friend, so we were happy to be going somewhere together. We are both HUGE animal lovers and the thought of working with animals all day made us want to cry with joy and excitement.

Getting to Best Friends on the first morning was so exciting, I dont even have words to describe it.

the welcome sign

The scenery in Kanab, UT is unreal. It is so beautiful and different then what we have in So. California. The dirt and rocks are red and when the sun hits them its like they are glowing.

where we ate lunch

We worked with dogs, cats, pigs and rabbits. The sanctuary is 3000 acres and has so many animals, there is a lot of work to be done. We did everything from poop scooping to sitting with cats for 3 hours. The people who work there are really friendly and basically will let you do as much or as little as you want. They just appreciate the extra help. My sister and I were happy to do literally anything because we were so elated to be there.
the first dog i walked, Saully

Buster Blue

I wrote about Buster Blue in an earlier post. We took him for a "sleepover" at our motel. He is the best dog!

walking Sprocket

Yes, I did take a pig for a walk. It was AMAZING. I couldn't believe some of the stories these pigs have...all sorts of abuse and neglect. They are truly beautiful animals!

Little Red

For my sister's birthday I gave her a sponsorship of a dog at Best Friends. I picked Little Red for many reasons, but mainly because she reminded me of my sisters pit bull, Faith. Little Red was rescued from Michael Vick (if you don't know about that situation, please inform yourself) She was supposedly used as a bait dog and had scars, both physically and mentally. She cannot be touched by volunteers, but the sanctuary was nice enough to let us see her. She is SO beautiful and small. I can't imagine wanting to hurt an animal like her.

Best Friends rescued 22 of Michael Vick's fighting dogs and has managed to adopt out 5 of them already! They are doing some amazing rehab work for these dogs!

sitting with one of my many cat friends

This trip was probably the best thing I have ever done. It was magical and inspirational. Don't be surprised if I move there. I can't wait to go back!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

What I am working on...

I still have pictures to post from my trip to Best Friends, but I am on a different tangent today!

I am trying to find ways to organize my blog so I can update everyday. I making lists of different topics to write about...like every Friday would be Feature Friday where I would feature a different ETSY seller OR Fashion Friday where I would talk about something fashion related.

I want to make my blog a habit and I have heard it takes 21 days to form a habit, which is why I need to plan plan PLAN!

Here is a little photo of what I am working on craft-wise right now. I am obsessed with making fabric flowers!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

I just spent 3 days in Kanab, UT volunteering at the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. This shelter is a 3000 acre no kill sanctuary. The animals all have lots of room and have lots of staff to take care of them. Best Friends takes a lot of animals with histories of abuse, animals with medical problems, animals from hoarding situations and any animal that is in need. They are constantly going around the country rescuing animals from bad situations and do such great work. (They rescued the majority of the Michael Vick dogs) It was the most amazing 3 days of my life and I cannot wait to go back!

I will share my own personal photos and stories throughout the week, but I really wanted to share some of the dogs I met!
This is Bronnie...

She is a Shepard mix and is absolutely adorable! She loves to give kisses and play or just sit on a bed and be calm. She is really a GREAT dog! We were able to take her for a sleepover at our motel. She slept with my sister for the entire night and appears to be house trained.

This is Buster Blue...

Buster Blue

He is a Blue Tick Hound and is just amazing. He lost his front right leg after being hit by a car, but he does great without it! He is such a friendly and loving dog and would do SO well in someone's home. We also had him at our motel for a sleepover and he slept in my bed for the night. I would have taken him home if I had the space for more animals!

More animals and photos to come!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

More friends on ETSY

Yesterday, I wrote a bit on my friend Jenn and her new shop/blog. I enjoyed writing about my friend so much I have decided to do it again.

This time we are talking about James Keniston. James is an artist from England, who now lives in Southern California. I have seen James use a variety of different mediums in different ways, but currently he is doing pen and ink illustrations of buildings. These drawings are so detailed and small and intricate. I think they are really great and are definitely personal to James.
Copyright James Keniston

His etsy shop is www.jameskeniston.etsy.com

He also has a personal website www.jameskeniston.com and a blog www.jameskeniston.blogspot.com

Friday, April 2, 2010


My dear friend Jennifer Geisert/Kenniston has opened a new ETSY shop and started a new blog. She is amazingly talented and she inspired me to open my own ETSY shop!

Her shop is called "The Pig and Pepper"and her blog is http://www.thepigandpepper.blogspot.com

Copyright Jennifer Geisert

She also has another lovely shop called "Sweetpea Studios," which is equally as great!

I have modeled some of her jewelry on both of her ETSY shops and it s all so beautiful and creative!